Experiencing trouble with reading is a common occurrence in middle aged people. Seeing clearly things that are up close is an age related function of your vision which gets weaker as you become older. This is why: As time passes, your eye’s lens becomes increasingly inflexible, decreasing your ability to focus on handheld objects. We call this presbyopia. And it’s universal.
Presbyopia is characterized by:
- Difficulty focusing on small print
- Blurred near vision
- Experiencing eyestrain, fatigue or headaches when doing close work or reading
- Needing to hold reading material or small objects at a distance to focus properly
- Requiring brighter lighting when focusing on near objects
Often, to avoid eyestrain, people with untreated presbyopia may hold printed text at arm’s length in order to focus properly. Additionally, engaging in other close-range activities, like needlepoint or writing, can also cause eye strain and discomfort in individuals who have developed presbyopia. For sufferers who want to deal with presbyopia, you have a few alternatives, whether you wear eyeglasses and contact lenses.
One of the most common preferences is reading glasses, though these are only useful for contact lens wearers or for those who don’t need glasses for correcting distance vision. You can find these at lots of stores, but it is not recommended to get a pair until you have the advice of an optometrist. A lot of people aren’t aware that reading glasses may help for short periods of reading but they can result in fatigue when used for a long time. Not surprisingly, custom-made reading glasses are a far better solution. They can do a number of things, like correct astigmatism, accommodate prescriptions which are not necessarily the same in both eyes, and on top of that, the optic centres of every lens are made to meet the needs of the person who wears them. The reading distance can be adjusted to meet the individual’s needs.
If you already wear glasses, think about bifocal or multi-focal corrective lenses, or PALs (progressive addition lenses), which a lot of people respond really well to. These are glasses with separate points of focus; the lower part helps you see at close range. If you wear contact lenses, speak to us to find out about multifocal contact lenses. Additionally, you might want to consider a treatment approach which is called monovision, where one eye wears a lens for distance vision and one eye wears a lens for close vision.
Due to the fact that your vision continues to change as time goes on, it’s fair to expect your prescription to increase periodically. But it’s also necessary to examine all the options before you decide the direction you want head in when it comes to your vision; presbyopia can affect you, even if you’ve had refractive surgery in the past.
Ask your optometrist for an unbiased opinion. Presbyopia is a part of getting older, but the choices you make regarding it is in your hands. Utilizing cutting edge technology in Milton we are able to diagnose and manage, with greater precision, vision and eye diseases like Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration and Cataracts.